Monday 16 April 2012

The iPhone 4 is the phone for me

(Note for Appstorm: this is the post you want)

I purchased my iPhone 4 in August 2010, when the sound and fury that accompanied the phone's release was still in full swing. People were lining up at 1am the night before to get a chance of getting an iPhone 4. Note that I said "a chance". Not the phone itself, just a chance of getting one. Come morning these weary souls would know if they got a chance, and maybe even, if the fates are with them, an actual iPhone 4. I decided that I would rather have a good night's rest and risk having to wait for my iPhone 4, and settled in for what seemed to be a long wait indeed.

Then I went to one of the larger malls in Toronto to run an errand. I stopped at a kiosk belonging to one of the larger carriers and asked, in a moment of reckless optimism, if they had any iPhone 4s. To my surprise and pleasure, they did. And so, pausing only to whip out my credit card like a Western gunslinger going for his sixgun, I bought it and ran it home, grinning like a fool the whole way.

My delight was justified, in the end. The iPhone 4 did not disappoint. The retina screen was a marvel to behold, every picture I put on it looked as crisp as if it had been printed on paper. Pictures taken with the 5 megapixel camera were as good as anything I could manage with a DSLR. The antenna worked better than expected, the dreaded death grip never came to life for me. I still got a free case, though. I'm no fool. I dropped the phone and it didn't shatter or break or take notice of the impact at all. It still runs strong after a year and a half and I am certain it will last for many more.

I was a little disheartened to see the iPhone 4 fall by the wayside when it's more talkative cousin, the 4s, came out. I know the 4s has Siri and a slightly better camera and a slightly better processor. It just seems sad to see something that had attracted so much attention become last year's model, the one everyone looks at now and says, "Ew! That thing is yesterday's news, man! The new one is where it's at! ". Fashion is a cruel master. I will keep my rotten old iPhone 4 and it's underpowered processor, myopic camera and mute operating system. I can still get it to take pictures that win contests, make the odd phone call and check Twitter every 5 seconds, and that's good enough for me.

The iPhone 4 is the phone for me.

(Note for Appstorm: this is the post you want)

I purchased my iPhone 4 in August 2010, when the sound and fury that accompanied the phone's release was still in full swing. People were lining up at 1am the night before to get a chance of getting an iPhone 4. Note that I said "a chance". Not the phone itself, just a chance of getting one. Come morning these weary souls would know if they got a chance, and maybe even, if the fates are with them, an actual iPhone 4. I decided that I would rather have a good night's rest and risk having to wait for my iPhone 4, and settled in for what seemed to be a long wait indeed.

Then I went to one of the larger malls in Toronto to run an errand. I stopped at a kiosk belonging to one of the larger carriers and asked, in a moment of reckless optimism, if they had any iPhone 4s. To my surprise and pleasure, they did. And so, pausing only to whip out my credit card like a Western gunslinger going for his sixgun, I bought it and ran it home, grinning like a fool the whole way.

My delight was justified, in the end. The iPhone 4 did not disappoint. The retina screen was a marvel to behold, every picture I put on it looked as crisp as if it had been printed on paper. Pictures taken with the 5 megapixel camera were as good as anything I could manage with a DSLR. The antenna worked better than expected, the dreaded death grip never came to life for me. I still got a free case, though. I'm no fool. I dropped the phone and it didn't shatter or break or take notice of the impact at all. It still runs strong after a year and a half and I am certain it will last for many more.

I was a little disheartened to see the iPhone 4 fall by the wayside when it's more talkative cousin, the 4s, came out. I know the 4s has Siri and a slightly better camera and a slightly better processor. It just seems sad to see something that had attracted so much attention become last year's model, the one everyone looks at now and says, "Ew! That thing is yesterday's news, man! The new one is where it's at! ". Fashion is a cruel master. I will keep my rotten old iPhone 4 and it's underpowered processor, myopic camera and mute operating system. I can still get it to take pictures that win contests, make the odd phone call and check Twitter every 5 seconds, and that's good enough for me.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Some thoughts on Instagram

Facebook bought Instagram for some unholy sum. And now Facebook can sell our data in picture form. This is an achievement that I am to welcome with tears of gratitude streaming down my cheeks as I chant hosannas to Mark Zuckerberg, apparently. Meanwhile, the world will not be made a jot better by this. All it will do is confer ludicrous sums of money on a few people who can now buy Rolexes instead of Timexes. But that is what the future is all about, isn't it? Get your pile, to hell with everything else, if it doesn't make you hallucinate dollar signs it's not worth a damn. To think that we went from planning moonbases to this meaningless nonsense! Is this what the future is to be from now on? It's the Gilded Age all over again but with nerds buying websites instead of enormous men with enormous mustaches buying railroads. At least robber barons buying railroads conferred some benefits to the world as a whole, in the form of expanded and improved transportation. Somehow I doubt Instagram becoming a subsidiary of Facebook will open up any new horizons. Unless slantendicular pictures that look like they were taken with a potato and new opportunities to spread same like some asinine plague counts as a new horizon.  And yet, as much as I want to reject this nonsense, I have no choice but to engage with it. Am I not writing a blog, knowing that it is just about the only means of reaching a large audience? Are blogs not another symptom of the disease that is the 21st century? What a century! I was expecting flying cars and commercial space travel. I got Facebook and Twitter. But, who cares about that? Facebook and Twitter is what the masses want, space travel and science and stuff is like fr nurds an ppl wu aint got swagg. And it's more profitable than a worthwhile future, so our moneyed masters will keep this crap going forever, he said posting on his google blog, fully aware that he is cursing the beast that ate him from inside it's belly.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Better late than never

So I decided to finally start posting stuff on this blog. What to post....I'm the social media intern for, I just dropped $130 on asthma meds, I have a cat who is usually on me like a cheap suit, I live in Toronto, Parkdale to be specific, I have a great view of downtown, I like Toronto an awful lot...that should do for a first post.